Vernique Esther, LMSW Teaches Us All How to Heal After Divorce


How do you heal from divorce? Do we ever really heal? Those that have experienced the devastation of divorce know all to well, it can seem like there is no end in sight for the pain that accompanies.

Vernique Esther, LMSW is helping us all learn to move upwards and onwards. She has created just what the doctor ordered for those suffering from the ravages of a broken heart.

“When Season’s Change”  is a Divorce recovery interactive devotional. It features 6 seasons that Esther believes “will help anyone who has encountered divorce move from hurt to hope, and pain to purpose.” Not only does it have a devotional, it includes journal space, topical assignments, AND video accompaniment where she dives deeper into the topic of each season. It’s set for launch on amazon this spring. You can get updates and enjoy the prelaunch on her website.

“I wanted to create something that helped catalyze healing because often we stay in a state of brokenness far longer than we have to after relationships end. I wanted to give language and tangible steps towards divorce recovery.” – Vernique Esther, LMSW

I had the pleasure of getting to know the author herself this week. She gave us a little insight into the backstory of this much needed remedy. Here is what she had to share about her latest journey.

Where did you get the idea for a divorce devotional?

After going through my own journey of healing from divorce I encountered many others who were struggling with their own process.  I wanted to create something that helped catalyze healing. Often we stay in a state of brokenness far longer than we have to after relationships end. I wanted to give language and tangible steps towards divorce recovery.

Vernique Esther

Looking back on your journey, would you change anything?

Not one single part. I’m of the belief that even when things shouldn’t happen, even the most catastrophic of things can lead to beautiful new journeys. I’m living in the best season of my life and if anything changing would keep me from experiencing this reality I don’t want it.

Why are you passionate about your offering?

When I was healing from divorce I didn’t have anything like this. I simply had good friends and God. I have seen the same insight work in my life and the life of others I’ve helped. I want to see people become healed and whole. Divorce doesn’t have to steal lives and I refuse to let it. I didn’t survive divorce just to watch others get swallowed whole by it.

I knew people were waiting. The more I shared my story the more people would reach out so I knew there was a need for it. Of course accountability helped as well, lots of it! – Vernique Esther, LMSW  Author of “When Seasons Change

Divorce is permeating every space in society. It’s likely someone you love is encountering it. Maybe it’s you. Anyone looking for real insight into what healing looks like after relational brokenness NEEDS this book.

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