Sex Love Con -Free Virtual Sex and Intimacy Conference- Starts Tomorrow!


Stuck at home with little to do?  Quarantined and bored? Grab your wine and let’s chat!

I will be hanging out and having some great conversation at Sex Love Con ! It’s a party, join me and enjoy yourselves.

Register For Free Here

Sex Love Con is a FREE 2-day virtual conference with a line-up of educated, professional black Sexperts, Relationship Coaches, Counselors and Mental Health Providers ready to help you get through this quarantine happy and mentally healthy!

Watch From Home!

You can choose from a line-up of sessions and presentations that cover a wide range of topics, from how to make time for love with a full house, to panels including couples currently quarantined together sharing ways they are making the most of their time.

Check Out Some Of The Speakers

To Register, or for more information about Sex Love Con to register or learn more about the conference, please visit

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